Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday August 2, 2010

We had a good weekend with family! Did some shopping at Anderson on Saturday then we had dinner at Bethany's on Sunday. Good time was had by all.

Still haven't gotten paid yet. Waiting to see if anyone shows up here at work.

As I continue to struggle through all of this I have to trust that God has a plan and He is still there. Money as always is tight but it is tighter more so now then ever before and it has been like this for quite some time now. I have mixed feelings about the Paradise position. I know financially it will be a huge blessing. I just don't know if my heart is in it for the right reasons. That is part of my prayer is that God will show us the way we should go.


Today I thank you for all you have done for us. For the health we have had, for the safety, for the joy, for the excitement of seeing our grandsons and for your continued direction and guidance. Father I ask that today will be a good day. That you will be glorified. That there will be a peace on us all because we know that you are in control. Please bless us financially today so that this stress can be taken off of us. We love you Father and we thank you.

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