Thursday, February 23, 2012

God is .....

At Paradise we have a chalk board that Amber made. One day I wrote 'God is..." on it to see what kind of responses. To be) the lack of responses. I guess just because people attend a Christian college doesn't always mean that they think in spiritual terms all the time. And I guess I am the same way. There are times when my spiritual eyesight is 20/20 and other times I am as blind as a bat.

So the question is why? Why do we go around at times with our spiritual eyes blinded to what God has for us? Why do we choose to allow this to happen? I am not sure of the answer but I know that for me to get my eyes in better shape I am going to have to make a decision every day to have God work on that in me. I want to become more that God wants me to be and it will be take discipline and hard word but anything this important needs to be done.

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