Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Leaving a legacy

As I get older and I realize more and more that the opportunity window is getting smaller the word legacy becomes more important. Legacy. Leaving something that makes the future better. This weekend I was able to see what that means.

We had 18 people crammed in our house this past weekend. Eleven adults and seven small boys. For the most part adults who love the Lord and who call Him their Saviour. Because of those adults seven young and tender hearts will have the opportunity to follow Christ and to change the world for good. Imagine if one of those seven boys is the one who leads the last person to Christ that will usher in the return of Christ! That is a legacy. That is a blessing.

In today's society it is all about me and what I can get out of it. TV shows promote getting all you can get out of life, watch out for number one, and stepping on others to get what you want. This is today's society. But what I witnessed was a deep compassion and love for one another. I saw little boys playing and being boys but I also saw tears fall when someone was hurt or the look of disappointment when one of these young men disobeyed.

In the eyes of these little ones I can see a strong hope for the future. I can see men willing to take the tough stand for the right things. I can see men willing to go and do what Christ calls them to do. I see a legacy.

We are blessed and encouraged.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Emotions and Challenges

I have really been struggling the last few days with emotions. It seems like they are just at the surface an at any moment will bust out like flood of water being released from a dam. Like yesterday I was driving home from work and there was this song on the radio about a guy who met this girl and her smile took his breath away and then the song continues about their life together until the end when she is in the hospital and it may be her last night. And he is laying in bed with her holding her hand and the song goes back to how when they met and her smile took his breath away. Man the tears were just flowing. Then I get home and everyone leaves and the tears started again. What is the deal!!??

It seems that I am realizing that life is changing again. But am I changing? If so am I changing for the good or the bad? I know that I am on the other side of the hill and gravity is pulling me faster down the hill then I want. I am seeing that I need to make some decisions about how I want to spend the remaining time I have left. I want my wife to be proud of the life I have lived. I want my kids to see a man that loved his wife and kids with a deep unchanging live. I want my grandkids to see a Papi that was fun but more important I want them to see a Papi that loves and lives Christ. Yea I got some work to do.

I am blessed beyond far more than I could ever deserve.